緊縛ラィブ — Kinbaku Live 長田流撮影会

August 3, 2015

8/8: 第516回 撮影会 & 緊縛ラィブ / Kinbaku Live

Hard Bondage Night

Hard Bondage Night

8月8日土曜日 / August 8, Saturday Night

Hard Bondage スペシャルナイト

Unadulterated adult entertainment in an inimitably intimate setting.

Every Saturday since 2000.

(毎週土曜日 / Every Saturday)

開場 / Doors open: 18:30

開演 / Curtain start: 19:00

終了予定 / Expected end: 23:00

入場 / Admission: 15,000円

入場&写真撮影 / With photo permission inclusive: 20,000円

入場&ビデオ撮影 / With video and photo permission inclusive: 30,000円

予約 / Reservations: steve (at) osadasteve.com, 090 1208 9889

出演: 長田スティーブ &  妖艶M女性

場所 / Map: Studio SIX スタジオSIX


Other dates by appointment.

For private tuition see here.

Shop \’til you drop at the Kinbaku Shop.

February 1, 2015

2/07 — 撮影会 & 緊縛ラィブ / Kinbaku Performance & Photo Event

IMG_1752-stretch sakasa

2月7日土曜日 / February 7, Saturday Night  

(毎週土曜日 / Every Saturday)

開場 / Doors open: 19:00

開演 / Curtain start: 19:30

終了予定 / Expected end: 23:00

入場 / Admission: 15,000円

入場&写真撮影 / With photo permission inclusive: 20,000円

入場&ビデオ撮影 / With video and photo permission inclusive: 30,000円

予約 / Reservations: steve (at) osadasteve.com, 090-1208-9889

出演: 長田スティーブ &  妖艶M女性

場所 / Map: StudioSIX スタジオSIX


Other days by appointment only.

Interested in learning the ropes? For private tuition see here.

Please note that we will be unable to immediately process online reservations placed between 04:00 and 04:12 due to daily/nightly server maintenance.

We apologize that we are presently unable to offer our valet parking services.


January 24, 2010

StudioSIX 長田スティーブ緊縛ライブ Special !!! 01/27(Wed) 19:00-23:00

01/27(Wed) 19:00-23:00

Pain Delivery Systems Night

Also: Special Guest: Gaijin m-jo!

(Therefore no photos.)


Admission: JPY 8,000

With photo permission inclusive: JPY 12,000

With video and photo permission inclusive: JPY 18,000

Couples: JPY 12,000



For Map click here.

*All images showing actual model of each respective night.



January 21, 2010

StudioSIX 長田スティーブ緊縛ライブ 01/23(Sat) 19:00-23:00

Suspension & Semenawa (責め縄) Night

Special attraction: gaijin m-jo

If you wish to attend this event, be sure to make advance reservations!

01/23(Sat) 19:00-23:00


Admission: JPY 15,000

Couples: JPY 20,000

With photo permission inclusive: JPY 20,000

With video and photo permission inclusive: JPY 30,000


For Map click here.


*All images showing actual model of each respective night.

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