緊縛ラィブ — Kinbaku Live 長田流撮影会

May 31, 2015

6/6: 第507回 撮影会 & 緊縛ラィブ / Kinbaku Live

Filed under: イベント情報 — Osada Steve @ 12:04 am


6月6日土曜日 / June 6, Saturday Night

羞恥縄スペシャルナイト & DVDサイン

(毎週土曜日 / Every Saturday)

開場 / Doors open: 18:30

開演 / Curtain start: 19:00

終了予定 / Expected end: 23:00

入場 / Admission: 15,000円

入場&写真撮影 / With photo permission inclusive: 20,000円

入場&ビデオ撮影 / With video and photo permission inclusive: 30,000円

予約 / Reservations: steve (at) osadasteve.com, 090 1208 9889

出演: 長田スティーブ &  m@rica

場所 / Map: Studio SIX スタジオSIX


Other dates by appointment.

Interested in learning the ropes? For private tuition see here.


*注 / Note:

Studio SIX was initially created as show and performance space for Osada Eikichi sensei back in April, 2000. Today, a good 15 years later, it will feature the 507th Kinbaku Live & Satsueikai.


May 24, 2015

5/30: 第506回 撮影会 & 緊縛ラィブ / Kinbaku Live

Filed under: Studio SIX,イベント情報 — Tags: , , , , — Osada Steve @ 12:34 am


Wakabayashi Miho / 若林美保

Wakabayashi Miho / 若林美保

5月30日土曜日 / May 30, Saturday Night

(毎週土曜日 / Every Saturday)

開場 / Doors open: 18:30

開演 / Curtain start: 19:00

終了予定 / Expected end: 23:00

入場 / Admission: 15,000円

入場&写真撮影 / With photo permission inclusive: 20,000円

入場&ビデオ撮影 / With video and photo permission inclusive: 30,000円

予約 / Reservations: steve (at) osadasteve.com, 090 1208 9889

出演: 長田スティーブ & 若林美保 (Wakabayashi Miho)

場所 / Map: Studio SIX スタジオSIX


Interested in learning the ropes? For private tuition see here.

Can\’t make it on a Saturday night? Check out the attractions of the Photo & Video Club for alternative dates in a completely private setting.


*注 / Note:


May 17, 2015

5/23: 第505回 撮影会 & 緊縛ラィブ / Kinbaku Live

Filed under: Studio SIX,イベント情報 — Tags: , , , , — Osada Steve @ 12:42 am


5月23日土曜日 / May 23, Saturday Night

(毎週土曜日 / Every Saturday)

開場 / Doors open: 18:30

開演 / Curtain start: 19:00

終了予定 / Expected end: 23:00

入場 / Admission: 15,000円

入場&写真撮影 / With photo permission inclusive: 20,000円

入場&ビデオ撮影 / With video and photo permission inclusive: 30,000円

予約 / Reservations: steve (at) osadasteve.com, 090 1208 9889

出演: 長田スティーブ & 妖艶M女性

場所 / Map: Studio SIX スタジオSIX


Interested in learning the ropes? For private tuition see here.

Can\’t make it on a Saturday night? Check out the attractions of the Photo & Video Club for alternative dates in a completely private setting.


*注 / Note:

This is the 505th such event since Studio SIX opened its doors in April, 2000.

May 10, 2015

5/16: 第504回 撮影会 & 緊縛ラィブ / Kinbaku Live

Filed under: Studio SIX,イベント情報 — Tags: , , , , — Osada Steve @ 12:54 am


5月16日土曜日 / May 16, Saturday Night

(毎週土曜日 / Every Saturday)

開場 / Doors open: 18:30

開演 / Curtain start: 19:00

終了予定 / Expected end: 23:00

入場 / Admission: 15,000円

入場&写真撮影 / With photo permission inclusive: 20,000円

入場&ビデオ撮影 / With video and photo permission inclusive: 30,000円

予約 / Reservations: steve (at) osadasteve.com, 090 1208 9889

出演: 長田スティーブ &  Gestalta

場所 / Map: Studio SIX スタジオSIX


Other dates by appointment.

Interested in learning the ropes? For private tuition see here.


*注 / Note:

Studio SIX was initially created as show and performance space for Osada Eikichi sensei back in April, 2000. Today, a good 15 years later, it will feature the 504th Kinbaku Live & Satsueikai.




May 3, 2015

第503回 撮影会 & 緊縛ラィブ / Kinbaku Live

Filed under: Studio SIX,イベント情報 — Tags: , , , , — Osada Steve @ 12:47 am
羞恥縄 Special



5月09日土曜日 / May 09, Saturday Night

(毎週土曜日 / Every Saturday)

開場 / Doors open: 18:30

開演 / Curtain start: 19:00

終了予定 / Expected end: 23:00

入場 / Admission: 15,000円

入場&写真撮影 / With photo permission inclusive: 20,000円

入場&ビデオ撮影 / With video and photo permission inclusive: 30,000円

予約 / Reservations: steve (at) osadasteve.com, 090 1208 9889

出演: 長田スティーブ &  Aya

場所 / Map: Studio SIX スタジオSIX


Other dates by appointment.

Interested in learning the ropes? For private tuition see here.


*注 / Note:

It’s been 15 years since converting my photo studio into a show space for Osada Eikichi sensei in April, 2000.

Mathematically speaking, with a Kinbaku Live @ Studio SIX going down every Saturday night, there have been 15 x 54 = 810 “shows” to date. However, having been on the road, taking my act around Japan, conducting workshops abroad, and having been ill for a good two/three years, I’ll estimate April 18 to feature the 500th event, and will now keep counting from there.

To those of you who have attended a night at Studio SIX: Thank you for visiting, and I hope I will see you again.

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