Bring this DVD and get it signed by Iroha Shizuki (紫月いろは) & Osada Steve. Or purchase this DVD at the event.
2月14日土曜日 / February 14, Saturday Night
(毎週土曜日 / Every Saturday)
開場 / Doors open: 18:30
開演 / Curtain start: 19:00
終了予定 / Expected end: 22:30
入場 / Admission: 15,000円
入場&写真撮影 / With photo permission inclusive: 20,000円
入場&ビデオ撮影 / With video and photo permission inclusive: 30,000円
予約 / Reservations: steve (at) osadasteve.com, 090-1208-9889
出演: 長田スティーブ & 紫月いろは
場所 / Map: Studio SIX スタジオSIX
Other days by appointment only.
Interested in learning the ropes? For private tuition see here.
After this event there will be a pop-up dojo at the Black Decadance Party where you can get tied by Osada Steve.